Sean Hannity says states shouldn’t be allowed to have early voting until after the first debate
Sean Hannity: “Before the first debate we have 16 states now scheduled to allow early voting. That shouldn’t happen”
From the August 11, 2020, edition of Fox News' Hannity
SEAN HANNITY (HOST): As the Democrats and the mob in the media asked about Ronald Reagan in 1984, this question remains. We'll ask it if the media mob won't, and that is about Joe Biden's fitness for the toughest hardest most difficult job on the face of this Earth, especially given what we see every day when he does pop his head out of the bunker.
You know, he's ever-confused, confounded, forgetfulness. Those bouts of rage. He's having trouble with speech and numbers. What office he's running for, what day of the week it is. Really scary moments.
The American people deserve answers. As I've been saying, I think before any vote is cast every American needs to see that first debate. Before the first debate we have 16 states now scheduled to allow early voting. That shouldn't happen, especially in light of Biden being in hiding for all this time.