Sean Hannity to struggling Americans: “There are a lot of jobs available for people to take second jobs”
Sean Hannity to struggling Americans: “There are a lot of jobs available for people to take second jobs”

From the February 8, 2022, edition of Premiere Radio Networks' The Sean Hannity Show
SEAN HANNITY (HOST): The people are really in a bind right now, what do you advise them as an economic adviser? What do you tell them to do?
DAVID BAHNSEN: Well, I come from a similar background as you, that my economic lot life now is not what it was early on and I remember having to struggle for food and gas in the car and all those things. And I will tell you that right now people that are suffering in the current environment, the two areas that I think are governmental-caused inflation are housing and energy.
I do not put all one of -- you know, one of my problems Sean with blaming the Biden administration for every part of inflation is it means that they're gonna take all the credit when some of these things inevitably self-correct and they will. And I always think presidents get both too much blame and too much credit.
But with housing and with energy, it is clearly policy errors that are forcing that issue. And to your question of what I advise people to do, they they are, unfortunately, victims of very bad policy. They need to vote right. They need to take this seriously in a civic and political sense.
And then of course, the thing that Americans have always done is we have to overcome it. They have to get out there and work and we have to be entrepreneurial and creative.
HANNITY: And there are a lot of jobs available for people to take second jobs.