Sean Hannity suggests anti-fascists wearing “MAGA gear” led the mob storming US Capitol building
Hannity: “I had heard these reports that they might even wear MAGA gear”
Sean Hannity suggests antifa wearing “MAGA gear” led the mob storming US Capitol building

From the January 6, 2020, edition of Premiere Radio Networks' The Sean Hannity Show
CALLER: We the people are God-fearing --
CALLER: -- Country-loving, President Trump-loving, but we -- we're sick of it, Sean. We're fed up. We're tired of the lies, we're tired of the cheating, the deception, the fraud.
We're sick to death of the blatant criminal politicians running our country into the ground, and we want justice. We demand justice. the silent majority is not silent anymore, and it's now power to the people.
HANNITY: Well, I mean, what -- I mean, when you talk about that, isn't that why every peaceful protester showed up today to express this?
CALLER: Yes. And antifa --
HANNITY: I mean, how are you going to get that many people there otherwise, except there's some cause that they're rallying behind? Right?
CALLER: Exactly. But all of it was antifa.
HANNITY: And I saw moms and dads and grandmas and grandpas in that crowd. I didn't see people that were -- were -- went there to charge the Capitol. Did you?
CALLER: No. It's on video, it's all antifa.
CALLER: It's all proven.
HANNITY: Well, I don't -- you know, I mean, I've -- and that's the thing. I had heard these reports that they might even wear MAGA gear. I don't know what the -- I don't know who the people are that got in there.
CALLER: They can hide it --
HANNITY: I've seen videos like you have, but I -- I don't think -- but that doesn't represent how we the people feel, or why we feel like we do, the honest peaceful protester. Why are we mad? Why are people mad? And I'm telling you why, because they ignored, you're right, they ignored the eyewitnesses, they ignored the law in Wisconsin, they ignored the constitution in Pennsylvania, they made a stupid consent decree of agreement in Georgia. They ignored partisan observers not observing, they ignored chain of custody issues. Yeah, they've ignored it all, and no -- seemingly don't care.