Sean Hannity suggests a crashing economy could cause more deaths from suicide than deaths caused by coronavirus
Sean Hannity: “Doctors, I guess, if they had their way, they would probably want to quarantine all of us every day so every person wouldn't die”
Sean Hannity suggests a crashing economy could cause more deaths from suicide than deaths caused by coronavirus

From the March 24, 2020, edition of Premiere Radio Networks' The Sean Hannity Show:
SEAN HANNITY (HOST): But you can't have a cure that is worse than the problem. In other words, this isn't -- this is now in and of itself a problem, we have to open up at some point.
The president's goal, he mentioned in a town hall on -- a two-hour town hall that he did on Fox News earlier today, that his hope is we're going to go through this 15 day period, he's going to re-assess, but he hopes everything's up and running and open by Easter, which is April the 12th, today being March 24th, 224 days to Election Day -- not that that is what we're talking about at this moment.
And there is a -- a growing sentiment, you know, and maybe a little bit of natural conflict. Doctors, I guess, if they had their way, they would probably want to quarantine all of us every day so every person wouldn't die. Well, if that was the case, we could save a lot of lives every year if nobody ever left their house.
At some point here, with all the money spent, the money's going to run out. You got to get the country up and working as quickly as possible.
There was a study -- the president keeps saying this balancing act, we're threading the needle with medicine vs. the economy, and you could tell the mob was outraged when the president said that a prolonged economic shutdown -- for example, could be worse, that the cure could be worse than the problem.
And then he even mentioned -- yeah, you're gonna see a wave of psychological depression, even suicide. Actually was a study that came out, which I thought was very interesting, people are very much very often tied to money. It's just something that you need to understand here. The president -- you know, people get tremendous anxiety, depression, have suicides over things like this, terrible economies, and he's right.
There was -- The New Scientist printed a study, Aaron Reeves at the University of Oxford, part of a team that found the financial crash in '08 linked to an extra 10,000 suicides in Europe and North America.