Sean Hannity suggests the foreperson in Georgia Trump probe cast “a magic spell” on the grand jury
Hannity: “Is there a magic spell that has now been cast on them based on the jury foreperson?”
Sean Hannity suggests the foreperson in Georgia Trump probe cast “a magic spell” on the grand jury

From the February 23, 2023, edition of Premiere Radio Networks' The Sean Hannity Show
SEAN HANNITY (HOST): There's this weird posting in the Daily Mail and I guess it's on our Pinterest page. I don't even -- That's one of the social media pages I don't even think I have an account on. Do you have an account on that? You do, of course you do. But anyway, apparently according to the Daily Mail, there are instructions on how to cast magic spells that she put up there.
I'm not making this up. People are saying, "Yeah, right, Hannity!" But I'm just reading from the Daily Mail: "Casting a circle, which is a way for witches to protect themselves during their magic work. One: Cleanse your space of all negative energy. Two: Visualize pure energy in breath. Three: Recite the following, "By the earth that is her body, by the air that is her breath, by the fire that is her spirit, by the living waters of her womb, the circle is cast."
So, what? Is the grand jury -- Is there a magic spell that has now been cast on them based on the jury foreperson?