Sean Hannity touts the stock market under Trump to attack the economy under Joe Biden
Hannity: “The DOW went up a whopping 57% under Trump”
Sean Hannity touts the stock market under Trump to attack the economy under Joe Biden

From the January 26, 2024, edition of Premiere Radio Networks' The Sean Hannity Show
SEAN HANNITY (HOST): By the way, if you're interested, I keep saying, you know, there's a poll out that shows that 92% of Americans are not impacted by the stock market. And somebody said, "Well, Hannity, you made a big deal when Trump broke, you know, a record on the stock market. Why don't you do it for Biden? Because it doesn't affect most people. It's never been, and I even said it in the Trump years. It's never been the best barometer in terms of the health of the economy. I've never put much faith in the stock market period myself. I've lowered my exposure as much as I possibly can.
We had a caller yesterday that was trying to contend the stock market under Joe Biden increased dramatically compared to how it performed under Trump. Actually, the Dow Jones Industrial Average did far better under Trump than it did Biden, even with the recent surge included. The DOW went up a whopping 57% under Trump from 19,700 on the day he was inaugurated to 30,900 the day he left office. Under Biden now, it went from 30,900 to 38,000, a 23% increase. Whoopsie-daisy. Again, it really doesn't matter to me.