Sean Hannity: Trump calling for hold on Ukraine aid is like threatening to rob a store or rip someone’s face off but not doing it
Hannity: “We all think about things, thoughts flow through our brains constantly”
From the January 28, 2020, edition of Fox News' Hannity
SEAN HANNITY (HOST): President Trump is allowed to talk. He's allowed to vent. He's allowed to exchange ideas with his close advisers. That is not a crime. It's kind of like, well, you tell your friend I want to rob this jewelry store. I want to rob this grocery store, convenience store. Oh, I'm going to punch this guy in the face. I'm going to rip somebody's face off. But you never do it. You weren't seriously plotting the act. That would not be a crime, now would it? We all think about things, thoughts flow through our brains constantly, at least if you're a conservative. And when you think about things, that's not a crime.