Sean Hannity on Trump’s Georgia phone call: “The idea that he was pressuring the secretary of state was baloney”
Sean Hannity on Trump’s Georgia phone call: “The idea that he was pressuring the secretary of state was baloney”

From the January 4, 2021, edition of Premiere Radio Networks' The Sean Hannity Show
SEAN HANNITY (HOST): Now, Georgia Republican Party Chair has pointed out that the conversation with the President yesterday, released by the secretary of state who -- who, by the way, is now on television just saying things that are blatantly untrue.
He's -- he's like, it's a bait and switch, his argument about signature verification. “We checked it and --" that was --- that was a bait and switch. That's not where the allegations were -- were mostly made.
He talked about the primary, wasn't talking about the general election. Nor is he addressing the consent decree that he agreed to, which is the dual standards for signature verification. He's -- he's purposefully avoiding the issue and denying what the truth is.
But anyway, the President now has filed two lawsuits. This -- this was all part of a settlement discussion, where I've actually taken the time to -- to read the entire transcript.
The President laid out the case over and over again that he believes this is where hundreds of thousands of votes for him existed that weren't found, and the idea that he was pressuring the secretary of state was baloney, and the fact is as a matter of state law in Georgia, if you're having a settlement discussion and you agree that call is private, well that's, you know, that -- that is an entirely different arena.
And -- and instant after instant, after instant, the President is laying out the case for much larger numbers than quote the number that would need -- was needed.