Sean Hannity: “What difference does it make to Mother Earth if the oil is produced in the Middle East, in Russia, or the US?”
Hannity: “We have more than enough natural resources right in our country in the US for at least 100 years”
From the March 2, 2022, edition of Fox News' Hannity
SEAN HANNITY (HOST): Now, if he put national security and the American people first, he would immediately return to the energy independence policies that he inherited. Yet, he steadfastly refuses. Now, keep in mind, this is the same dangerous gimmick that Europe has used for years. Get this.
In 2021, our NATO allies imported more than 4.8 million barrels of oil from Russia. That's every single day. We're talking about 2 billion barrels of Russian oil each year. On top of that, 41 percent of all natural gas imported by the European Union, that all comes from Putin and Russia. Again, Europe and the US, they're making Putin and Russia rich again and that helps fund and enable this war.
And according to statements from the Biden administration, oil and gas exports from Russia are still flowing even this day. And that raises another important question. Why not produce all of the energy, all the oil, that we have with our vast resources right here in the US. We have more than enough natural resources right in our country in the US for at least 100 years, likely much longer. So, what difference does it make to Mother Earth if the oil is produced in the Middle East, in Russia, or the US?