Sean Hannity whines about Mike Johnson being elected House speaker over Jim Jordan
Hannity: “Nobody listens to Hannity and Hannity never gets his way in life”
Sean Hannity whines about Mike Johnson being elected House speaker over Jim Jordan

From the October 25, 2023, edition of Premiere Radio Networks' The Sean Hannity Show
SEAN HANNITY (HOST): Who is Mike Johnson, the new speaker of the House? I'm going to let Mike Johnson introduce himself to you. He gave a really interesting speech. I thought it was smart. The guy's a constitutional lawyer. His dad was a fireman that I think became assistant chief. He believes in religious liberty, the right to life, is a very conservative voting record.
Everybody in the Freedom Caucus that I thought -- they all voted for him today. And they all know him, like him. He's taken on very hard, difficult fights over the years. So I'm hearing nothing but good things.
I just don't have that relationship with him that I've had with other people. Yeah, I still would've liked Jim Jordan, but Hannity never gets his way. Nobody listens to Hannity and Hannity never gets his way in life.