Wash. Post: Church Targeted By Fox Has Received Threats

The Washington Post reports that Shiloh Baptist Church in Washington has “has received threatening phone calls and e-mails” after Fox News aired clips of a speech by its pastor. President Obama and his family attended Easter services at Shiloh, and Fox hosts Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity have attacked Obama for doing so.

O'Reilly labeled the pastor, Rev. Wallace Charles Smith, a “race activist” because he made comments about racist rhetoric on talk radio and Fox. The Post reported that Smith said he made those remarks “had been asked to give a speech on racism and that he 'was giving some background on what I thought were some of the issues regarding race in this country.' ”

The Post also reported: “In an e-mail Wednesday, Hannity said he sought out comment from Smith and offered him 'an open invitation to explain his comments on our show and he refused. We played his own words in full context but now it's time for him to explain.' ”

From the Post:

Shiloh Baptist Church in the District said it has received threatening phone calls and e-mails after an Easter visit from President Obama and a conservative television commentator's subsequent playing of a videotape in which the pastor said that those espousing racial prejudice do so “under the protective cover of talk radio.”

The Rev. Wallace Charles Smith said the church has received more than 100 threats since Fox News channel's Sean Hannity aired a tape Monday of a speech Smith gave in January 2010 at Eastern University in Saint Davids, Pa.

“We received a fax that had the image of a monkey with a target across is face,” Smith said. “My secretary has received telephone calls that have been so vulgar until she has had to hang up.”

Smith, who shared several of the e-mails with The Post, said he had not notified authorities but is consulting with church leaders about what to do.