Harassment, racism, and Christianity “under attack”: One month of One America News prime time Research/Study 03/31/21 7:36 AM EDT
On CNN, NAACP president and CEO, Derrick Johnson, condemns discrimination against Biden administration nominees Video & Audio 03/01/21 6:33 PM EST
Cable news overwhelmingly adopts conservative, pro-Big Oil framing of Biden's debate comments about transitioning away from oil Research/Study 10/29/20 3:45 PM EDT
CNN investigation discredits bogus Bannon-linked COVID-19 research hyped by Fox News Article 10/21/20 11:04 PM EDT
Fox News' misinformation and lies about Biden are dominating cable news coverage of fracking Article 09/03/20 11:30 AM EDT
Wolf Blitzer marvels at the “advantage” Trump has by campaigning from the White House Video & Audio 08/28/20 12:10 AM EDT
Journalists have been obsessing over Trump supposedly changing his “tone” for five years Article 07/27/20 10:41 AM EDT
Scorecard: How the climate crisis is being discussed in the Democratic primary debates Research/Study 02/09/20 7:33 PM EST
Moderators should ask Democratic presidential candidates about these climate issues at tonight's debate Article 01/14/20 12:11 PM EST
Media coverage of Trump's attacks on Somali refugees shows that his racist incitement has become normalized Article 10/18/19 11:10 AM EDT
Other networks are letting Fox News poison abortion-related coverage with dangerous lies Research/Study 09/23/19 12:04 PM EDT
National TV news is still failing to properly incorporate climate change into hurricane coverage Research/Study 09/24/18 2:36 PM EDT
On CNN, former Sen. Danforth bemoans that report of sexual assault is “torment” for Kavanaugh and hurting his “sterling reputation” Video & Audio 09/19/18 2:25 PM EDT
Fox News is barely covering the arrest of an alleged Russian agent with ties to the NRA Article 07/17/18 2:21 PM EDT
Right-wing media are filling a void of abortion-related coverage with misinformation Research/Study 05/21/18 10:30 AM EDT
CNN's Christiane Amanpour on Trump's decision to abandon nuclear deal: “The regime change crew, they're back in town.” Video & Audio 05/08/18 3:35 PM EDT
April Ryan tells CNN about death threats she received after asking if Trump considered resigning during White House press briefing Video & Audio 04/11/18 4:01 PM EDT