UPDATED: Myths and falsehoods about Elena Kagan's Supreme Court nomination Article 07/19/10 10:41 PM EDT
Varney advances baseless attack that Kagan's Commerce Clause comments are extreme Article 07/01/10 12:25 AM EDT
Despite contractor corruption, Beck and Napolitano back use of “private army” in Afghanistan Article 06/21/10 4:31 PM EDT
Liz Cheney rushes to defend Halliburton, ignores gov't fraud allegations Article 06/06/10 5:31 PM EDT
Fox falsely suggests NYC will receive less money this year for transit and port security Article 05/13/10 12:01 PM EDT
Right-wing media oppose corporate welfare -- except when Dems are eliminating it Article 04/02/10 3:46 PM EDT
Fox & Friends' crack investigative team exposes CBO's use of economic modeling Article 03/30/10 2:06 PM EDT
NY Post falsely accused Obama of “reversing course” on Iranian Revolutionary Guard Article 02/17/10 7:51 AM EST