Watch a Fox News co-host completely debunk the network's FBI text pseudo-scandal Video & Audio 02/07/18 2:51 PM EST
Shep Smith points out Rep. Devin Nunes' history of pushing baseless partisan propaganda Video & Audio 02/02/18 4:01 PM EST
Fox is spinning a pathway to citizenship for Dreamers as a “major concession.” It's not. Article 01/31/18 5:26 PM EST
Fox neglected to cover the FBI’s “grave concerns” about the Nunes memo for nearly two hours Article 01/31/18 4:56 PM EST
Fox and CBS' Sunday political shows ignored reports of former RNC finance chair Steve Wynn's sexual misconduct Article 01/28/18 5:04 PM EST
Fox's Chris Wallace asks if GOP hurt its credibility by hyping “secret society” text, ignoring that Fox News hyped it too Article 01/28/18 12:43 PM EST
Fox & Friends attacks FBI director the day after report that Trump pressured him to fire the deputy director Video & Audio 01/23/18 7:55 AM EST
Chris Wallace airs video of Mick Mulvaney supporting 2013 government shutdown as Mulvaney attacks Democrats over shutdown Video & Audio 01/21/18 12:02 PM EST
Ben Shapiro attacks Oprah for saying “nothing” on sexual abuse, despite decades of advocacy and personal experience Video & Audio 01/08/18 8:04 PM EST
Fox's Jeanine Pirro calls for “higher ups in the FBI and DOJ” in “cuffs” if they're conspiring against Trump Video & Audio 12/20/17 10:41 PM EST
Fox & Friends host outraged that Mueller legally obtained all Trump transition emails Video & Audio 12/18/17 8:22 AM EST
As multiple Fox News figures suggest the FBI is corrupt, Chris Wallace says that no one is attacking the FBI as an institution Article 12/17/17 5:14 PM EST
Shepard Smith: Trump administration's claim the lottery visa program involves “no vetting is preposterous and absolutely inaccurate” Video & Audio 12/12/17 4:27 PM EST
Fox's Chris Wallace ignores Ben Shapiro's history of bigotry and misinformation Article 12/10/17 2:20 PM EST
Fox's Newt Gingrich compares sexual harassment allegations to a lynch mob Video & Audio 12/10/17 12:14 PM EST
Fox's Newt Gingrich: Russia probe is “staggeringly corrupt” compared to FBI's investigation into Clinton's emails Video & Audio 12/10/17 10:56 AM EST
Fox's Chris Wallace floats Kate Steinle verdict as an excuse for GOP to end DACA Video & Audio 12/03/17 10:36 AM EST
4 ways right-wing media are shilling for tax reform (and why they're wrong) Article 11/21/17 5:07 PM EST