Fox News’ role in spreading the conspiracy theories one January 6 defendant is using at his trial Article 07/06/23 4:04 PM EDT
Right-wing opponents of affirmative action falsely claim it created racial “quotas” in college admissions Article 07/06/23 2:45 PM EDT
Right-wing media push for privatization and school choice in response to SCOTUS affirmative action decision Article 07/05/23 5:44 PM EDT
Fox News host Mark Levin says the Congressional Black Caucus wants to “resegregate the country” Video & Audio 06/29/23 5:36 PM EDT
Right-wing media accuse the left of trying to “delegitimize the Supreme Court” after reporting shows conservative justices concealed conflicts of interest Article 06/29/23 1:16 PM EDT
Right-wing media and “parents' rights” activists have tried to normalize gutting the Fourteenth Amendment Article 06/28/23 5:46 PM EDT
Fox's Mark Levin: Chief Justice John Roberts “is a worthless fraud and phony. He has surrendered all his principles” Video & Audio 06/28/23 12:12 PM EDT
Right-wing media championed Trump’s 2020 fake elector scheme now being reviewed by a federal grand jury Article 06/27/23 12:58 PM EDT
Fox's Mark Levin instructs Ron DeSantis to avoid “challenging interviews” with “hostile media” Video & Audio 06/22/23 11:52 AM EDT
Right-wing media are twisting the facts about the Espionage Act and Trump's federal indictment Narrative/Timeline 06/21/23 3:54 PM EDT
Amid disastrous ratings and Trump scandals, Fox personalities return to election lies Research/Study 06/21/23 3:33 PM EDT
Mark Levin blames Republican critics of Trump for potential 2024 loss: “If we lose this election, I put it at the feet of these Republicans” Video & Audio 06/20/23 2:04 PM EDT
WSJ debunks Presidential Records Act talking points pushed by Trump’s other Murdoch media allies Article 06/15/23 2:39 PM EDT
Contrary to right-wing media, prosecution of Trump under the Espionage Act is black-letter law Article 06/14/23 5:25 PM EDT
Fox News' Mark Levin attacks guest for debunking right wing media claim that the Presidential Records Act exonerates Donald Trump Video & Audio 06/13/23 10:21 PM EDT
Right-wing media are bending over backward to defend Trump from espionage charges Article 06/13/23 5:00 PM EDT