After previously debunking end-of-life falsehoods, ABC and AP portray them as he said/she said Article 08/13/09 8:32 PM EDT
Conservative media ignore their own long history of invoking Nazis to smear progressives Article 08/13/09 7:50 PM EDT
Politico twice mischaracterizes Dems' comments to assert they called “protesters” un-American Article 08/12/09 2:24 PM EDT
Liddy reads Buchanan column connecting health care bill provisions to Nazi euthanasia Article 08/04/09 6:43 PM EDT
Hour 3: Limbaugh Defends Health Care Protests Again: “Genuine Grassroots” Article 08/04/09 2:59 PM EDT
Hour 2: Multi-Millionaire Limbaugh Sees Himself As A Common Man: “I'm Not An Elitist” Article 07/27/09 2:14 PM EDT
Hannity relies on falsehoods and distortions in “nightmare” health special Article 07/24/09 9:03 AM EDT
Hour 3: Limbaugh Continues To Fearmonger That Health Care Plan Will Deny Treatment To Elderly Article 07/22/09 3:09 PM EDT
NBC's Almaguer offered no examples of wealthy “sharing” in the “pain” of CA budget deal Article 07/22/09 2:13 PM EDT
Hour 2: Echo Chamber: Limbaugh Promotes Health Care Falsehoods From IBD, Betsy McCaughey Article 07/21/09 2:19 PM EDT