Sinclair's latest Trump interview may as well have been produced by the White House Article 04/19/19 11:32 AM EDT
Fox's Mark Levin calls the Mueller report a “200-page op-ed” and a “political document that he should never have written” Video & Audio 04/19/19 11:28 AM EDT
NRATV host: The Mueller report “vindicated” Trump, so now Democrats are going to confiscate all guns in revenge Video & Audio 04/19/19 10:07 AM EDT
Diamond and Silk on Mueller report: “It's time to investigate the investigators” Video & Audio 04/19/19 9:20 AM EDT
Fox's Ainsley Earhardt tries to argue that the left is “shifting the narrative” by focusing on possible obstruction of justice Video & Audio 04/19/19 8:46 AM EDT
Fox correspondent Ed Henry: Trump isn't guilty of obstruction of justice because his orders to obstruct justice were ignored Video & Audio 04/19/19 8:39 AM EDT
On Hannity, Sarah Sanders sticks by “slip of the tongue” explanation for her repeated lies about Comey firing Video & Audio 04/18/19 10:14 PM EDT
Sean Hannity lies about Trump campaign and associates destroying evidence Article 04/18/19 9:46 PM EDT
Tucker Carlson: “The Mueller report is probably the single most humiliating thing that has ever happened to the White House press corps” Video & Audio 04/18/19 8:41 PM EDT
Mueller report reveals Sean Hannity was the person who informed Reince Priebus about the Trump Tower meeting Article 04/18/19 6:01 PM EDT
Fox anchor Shannon Bream defends Barr, saying he didn't have to release Mueller's report Video & Audio 04/18/19 4:03 PM EDT
Fox’s Dana Perino: President Trump “was actually quite cooperative” with the special counsel investigation Video & Audio 04/18/19 3:58 PM EDT
Fox correspondent channeled network’s opinion side at Barr’s press conference Article 04/18/19 2:09 PM EDT
Media trumpeted William Barr's spin on the Mueller report (again) -- will they ever learn? Article 04/18/19 1:49 PM EDT
CNN's Dana Bash: Redacted Mueller report proves “there was collusion” between Trump campaign and Russia Video & Audio 04/18/19 1:36 PM EDT
Fox anchors allow Giuliani to spout conspiracy theories about the Trump Tower meeting and the origins of the investigation Video & Audio 04/18/19 1:33 PM EDT
CNN's John King: “To be fair to the president... the president should be allowed a temper tantrum or two” Video & Audio 04/18/19 1:22 PM EDT