Schieffer let Cheney falsely equate harsh interrogation techniques, U.S. military training Article 05/10/09 4:41 PM EDT
Mark Davis suggests Obama is “pro-abortion” because “when you stick up for infanticide like this guy has” Video & Audio 05/08/09 2:41 PM EDT
Limbaugh fill-in Davis: "[I]f we were to waterboard Chris Dodd...let me just hold that image in my head for one precious moment..." Video & Audio 05/08/09 1:41 PM EDT
Hannity attacks Obama for ordering a “fancy” cheeseburger with Dijon mustard Video & Audio 05/07/09 7:41 AM EDT
Hour 3: Rush pushes disputed “auto czar” story to claim the White House is a “thugocracy” Article 05/05/09 2:41 PM EDT
Limbaugh, Fox Business push disputed claim: White House “threatened” investment firm Article 05/04/09 4:41 PM EDT's Erickson on reports of Justice Souter's looming retirement Article 04/30/09 10:41 PM EDT
Fox & Friends hosts GOP strategist who claimed Obama “went on foreign soil and apologized for America” Video & Audio 04/27/09 9:41 AM EDT
Angle calls Gore's climate change testimony “an Oscar-worthy performance” Video & Audio 04/24/09 7:41 PM EDT
Matthews laughs at Fox News' tea party coverage: “Balanced coverage” of an “anti-tax rally” is “so amazing” Video & Audio 04/13/09 7:41 PM EDT
Hour 3: Limbaugh: “Feminism was established so as to allow unattractive women easier access to the mainstream of society” Article 04/10/09 2:41 PM EDT