Radio host Boortz, MSNBC's Shuster debunk attacks on Obama over schools speech Video & Audio 09/04/09 5:44 PM EDT
Not surprisingly, you can't rely on Mark Fuhrman for truth about health care Article 09/03/09 2:58 PM EDT
Fox & Friends hosts parent who plans to “keep kids home” from Obama stay-in-school “indoctrination” speech Video & Audio 09/03/09 9:44 AM EDT
Glenn Beck, climate scientist: cool temperatures this year in New York prove global warming wrong Video & Audio 09/02/09 7:44 PM EDT
Following Wash. Post article, conservative media advance falsehood that CIA documents prove interrogation techniques worked Article 08/31/09 4:44 PM EDT
Fox News' Colby still spinning potential Democrats-only health reform bill as “nuclear option” Video & Audio 08/24/09 7:44 AM EDT
Limbaugh: Unions “warning Democrats ... 'if you like walking, you'll listen to us' ” Video & Audio 08/20/09 3:44 PM EDT
Juan Williams correctly brands George Allen a hypocrite on reconciliation Video & Audio 08/19/09 10:44 PM EDT
UPDATED REPORT: Conservative media push 75-year-old “socialized medicine” smear against health care reform Research/Study 08/19/09 4:00 PM EDT
Fox News VP Sammon claims poll shows people “don't want the public option” -- but poll shows the opposite Article 08/18/09 2:29 PM EDT
Conservatives push Reagan's 1961 attacks on “socialized medicine” but ignore that he was criticizing Medicare Article 08/17/09 9:29 AM EDT