Media fail to challenge Republicans on past acts of massive debt creation Article 04/02/09 2:25 PM EDT
Post allowed “moderate” Specter to criticize reconciliation without noting his support for using it to pass Bush tax cuts Article 04/01/09 8:12 PM EDT
Hour 3: Limbaugh claims Media Matters takes him “totally out of context” Article 04/01/09 3:54 PM EDT
Limbaugh challenged: In LA Times op-ed, Klavan claimed he's “never heard” Limbaugh “utter a single racist, hateful or stupid word” Article 03/29/09 3:20 PM EDT
Hour 2: Limbaugh again attacks Dems for wanting names of AIG bonus recipients Article 03/19/09 1:32 PM EDT
Hannity falsely claimed that under Pelosi, Republicans “can't offer amendments” Article 03/17/09 9:08 AM EDT
AP headline said “Christians optimistic but disappointed in Obama,” but report was about conservative Christians Article 03/13/09 1:58 PM EDT
Scarborough mischaracterizes Obama proposal as “nationaliz[ing] health care” Article 03/09/09 6:15 PM EDT
False advertising: Beck show promo denounced calling Dems communists, but he often does that on his show Article 03/05/09 10:07 PM EST
REPORT: Limbaugh conservatives continue 75-year-old “socialized medicine” smear Article 03/05/09 12:11 PM EST
Media predictably revive conservative rhetoric of “socialized medicine” with Sebelius pick Article 03/02/09 3:45 PM EST
Fox & Friends' Carlson allows guest to misrepresent speech to claim Obama engaged in “class warfare” Article 02/25/09 2:11 PM EST
"[E]ducated Joe the Plumber" Santelli spreads conspiracy theories with admitted homicide plotter G. Gordon Liddy Article 02/23/09 8:51 PM EST
The Hill, UPI uncritically reported false GOP claim that Dems steered recovery money to ACORN Article 02/21/09 5:23 PM EST