Liddy advises listeners: "[N]o matter what law they pass, do not -- repeat, not -- ever register any of your firearms" Video & Audio 11/14/08 6:49 PM EST
Savage asked why Obama visited grandmother “who suddenly and suspiciously died virtually the night before the election” Article 11/14/08 4:34 PM EST
Women, minorities, autistic children: Conservative radio's vitriol not reserved for Obama Article 11/13/08 9:40 AM EST
'08 SHOCK: Drudge still smearing, distorting quotes, and touting fake allegations Article 11/04/08 4:12 PM EST
Cunningham on Democratic women: "[A] lot of women who are single are vulnerable; they need like a daddy government to keep an eye on them" Video & Audio 10/30/08 3:18 PM EDT
Brokaw did not challenge McCain's claim that Obama plan would “fine” small businesses that do not offer health insurance Article 10/26/08 5:01 PM EDT
Reporting on McCain health-care plan, USA Today left out projection that progress on uninsured will decline after 2013 Article 10/22/08 7:42 PM EDT
CNN's Amy Holmes falsely asserted that in first debate, Obama said “he would sacrifice ... energy policy” Article 10/16/08 4:50 PM EDT
CNN's Bennett asked of Lewis' statement about McCain campaign, “Why didn't Obama say it was wrong?” -- but Obama did Article 10/16/08 12:44 AM EDT
NBC's Guthrie falsely suggested Obama's “punished with a baby” comment was about abortion Article 10/13/08 10:38 AM EDT
Jansing, Halperin uncritically report Palin's false charge that Obama's “punished with a baby” comment was about abortion Article 10/11/08 3:12 PM EDT
Hannity invited McCain to criticize Obama for proposing to “slow” a program McCain has said “should be ended” Article 10/10/08 8:21 PM EDT
Chicago Tribune uncritically reported false McCain claim that Obama “will fine” small business owners who don't insure employees Article 10/08/08 11:38 AM EDT
60 Minutes called Obama's -- but not McCain's -- economic agenda “expensive,” even though McCain's is reportedly more so Article 09/22/08 5:52 PM EDT
Politico's Martin uncritically reported false claim that “Obama opposed legislation that ... would protect legal protection to babies outside the womb” Article 09/17/08 4:56 PM EDT