Fox News pushed coronavirus misinformation 253 times in just five days Research/Study 07/16/20 10:40 AM EDT
Fox host Brian Kilmeade: “One group that's living large these days is the San Francisco homeless population” Video & Audio 07/15/20 9:20 PM EDT
On Democracy Now, Matt Gertz discusses how the bigotry of Tucker Carlson's head writer is no surprise Video & Audio 07/14/20 1:39 PM EDT
MSNBC’s Chris Hayes lays out the connection from former Tucker Carlson writers’ racism to Trump Video & Audio 07/14/20 11:15 AM EDT
Tucker Carlson says “there is no evidence” masks help stop the spread of coronavirus Video & Audio 07/13/20 9:11 PM EDT
Tucker Carlson issues vague threat to reporters who exposed his white supremacist head writer Video & Audio 07/13/20 9:02 PM EDT
Tucker Carlson’s racist and extreme descriptions of the Black Lives Matter movement Research/Study 07/13/20 12:21 PM EDT
STUDY: Trump live-tweeted his television nearly 300 times in the first six months of 2020 Article 07/13/20 9:44 AM EDT
CNN's Oliver Darcy points out that the bigoted remarks from Tucker Carlson's writer reflects the content of Carlson's show Video & Audio 07/12/20 2:22 PM EDT
Tucker Carlson's top writer was making bigoted and gross posts to online forums Article 07/10/20 9:33 PM EDT
Trump commutes Roger Stone's sentence following concerted campaign by Fox News and Infowars Article 07/10/20 7:57 PM EDT
Tucker Carlson: “The purest kind of race hate” is racial sensitivity training Video & Audio 07/09/20 8:54 PM EDT