NPR's Simon falsely asserted that SCHIP began “under a Republican president” Article 10/29/07 12:08 PM EDT
Fox's Garrett falsely claimed CBO determined that revised SCHIP bill “would cover fewer children” Article 10/26/07 3:02 PM EDT
Chieftain editorial praising Bush SCHIP veto ignored CBO report that his proposed “expansion” would have underfunded program Article 10/23/07 6:43 PM EDT
Politico, Wash. Times uncritically reported GOP claims that Democrats unwilling to compromise on SCHIP Article 10/19/07 7:23 PM EDT
Claiming he never attacked the Frosts, Limbaugh mimicked Graeme Frost and attacked Dems for “exploiting” family Article 10/19/07 4:33 PM EDT
Politico reported Democrats “came under fire” for using children in SCHIP fight, not McConnell office's alleged attack on Frosts Article 10/18/07 5:47 PM EDT
Reporting Schaffer's criticism of Democrats' “partisan bickering” over SCHIP, Post didn't mention bill's bipartisan support Article 10/18/07 4:09 PM EDT
Gazette reported Bush's "$5 billion spending increase" for SCHIP, omitted CBO report that his plan would underfund program Article 10/18/07 3:51 PM EDT
McConnell staffer's reported admission offers NY Times opportunity to update article -- will it? Article 10/17/07 1:12 PM EDT
MSNBC's Brewer claimed “even conservative Republican presidential candidates are trying to sidestep” SCHIP -- but several support veto Article 10/15/07 4:51 PM EDT
WSJ editorial said Bush supports a “20% expansion” of SCHIP -- not according to CBO Article 10/15/07 12:35 PM EDT
Rocky omitted passage from AP article about progress on Ritter's “Colorado Promise” agenda Article 10/12/07 5:00 PM EDT
Wash. Post reported coalition's findings on seafood consumption without noting ties to industry Article 10/12/07 12:22 PM EDT
Gibson knew school shooter was white because "[b]lack shooters don't" shoot themselves; “they shoot and move on” Article 10/11/07 2:34 PM EDT
NY Times uncritically reported that Senate GOP leadership “has not issued a press release criticizing the Frosts” over SCHIP Article 10/10/07 3:14 PM EDT
7News reported Bush's comments on SCHIP veto, but not reasons Democrats want to override Article 10/04/07 6:10 PM EDT
CNN's Henry reported that Bush “wants to expand” SCHIP, but not that his proposal would underfund program Article 10/04/07 12:32 PM EDT