THE MINUTE: CNN Anchor Carol Costello Stops The Spin On The Minimum Wage Video & Audio 02/19/14 4:40 PM EST
CHART: Fox News Ignores Texas Candidate Greg Abbott's Ted Nugent Controversy Article 02/19/14 3:34 PM EST
Fusion's Alicia Menendez On Fox News' Facebook Gender Meltdown: “Do You Not Have Producers?” Article 02/19/14 11:28 AM EST
Fox's Crowley: Obama Part Of “Extremist Left” Who Are “Communist Revolutionaries Or Socialist Revolutionaries” Video & Audio 02/18/14 10:13 PM EST
THE MINUTE: CNN's Wolf Blitzer Condemns Ted Nugent's “Subhuman Mongrel” Attack On Obama Video & Audio 02/18/14 5:05 PM EST
Fox's Wallace Snow Trolls: Obama's Global Warming Case “Hard To Make” Given East Coast's “Brutal Winter” Video & Audio 02/16/14 12:01 PM EST