Caplis ignored his previous remarks, widespread reporting to suggest Obama's campaign itself is “stirring up” questions about being “black enough” Article 08/16/07 9:22 PM EDT
Dick Morris makes numerous false claims in purported attempt to “correct[]” Bill Clinton's “syrupy five minute ad for Hillary” Article 08/15/07 4:51 PM EDT
Fox 31 aired Bush attack on Democrats over economic policy, but no Democratic response Article 08/09/07 4:57 PM EDT
Wash. Post reported on Giuliani's health plan, but not how he would pay for it Article 08/05/07 4:54 PM EDT
Wash. Post reported Republican claim of “do-nothing” Congress, ignored GOP “obstructionist” strategy Article 07/30/07 6:35 PM EDT
Latching onto Republican talking point, media report “do-nothing” Congress, not GOP obstruction Article 07/27/07 9:30 PM EDT
KCOL guest co-host Herron repeated long-debunked falsehoods about Gore and Sen. Clinton Article 07/25/07 8:09 PM EDT
“Gunny” Bob distorted Obama's debate remarks, referred to “Osama” as “Obama” Article 07/24/07 8:43 PM EDT
Hannity & Colmes used cucumber, condom to misrepresent Obama's stance on sex ed Article 07/23/07 3:00 PM EDT
“Gunny” Bob distorted Obama remarks as advocating instruction on “sexual intercourse” for kindergartners Article 07/20/07 7:53 PM EDT