Beck says social justice “has nothing to do with Jesus” -- “It's really Marxism” Video & Audio 04/28/10 5:39 PM EDT
NY Times debunks Hannity's claim that Obama lied about leukemia patient Article 04/17/10 12:26 PM EDT
ABC News' “birth tourism” article filled with contradictions, misleading claims, dubious sources Article 04/16/10 9:55 PM EDT
Limbaugh: The “Democrat Party's what's keeping” African-Americans “down” and “busting up their families” Video & Audio 04/16/10 8:10 AM EDT
Wallis: "[P]astors are actually preaching more about social justice because Glenn Beck has told them not to" Article 04/15/10 9:41 AM EDT
The Fox Nation revives “death panel” myth by naming its “first...victim” Article 04/13/10 2:12 PM EDT
Multimillionaire Beck wonders if people who “pay nothing” in income taxes should “serve in the military” Video & Audio 04/08/10 10:16 AM EDT
Rush on NY rent assistance voucher shortage: “Does this not prove that” the stimulus was a “slush fund” Video & Audio 04/07/10 3:30 PM EDT
Hannity's Conservative Victory: More than 20 falsehoods, smears, and distortions Article 03/31/10 1:52 PM EDT
They Live: Mattera's Obama Zombies reanimates old GOP falsehoods, smears Article 03/30/10 1:45 PM EDT
Rush Fill-In Steyn Compares Health Care Reform To Serfdom And The Stamp Act Article 03/29/10 4:07 PM EDT