Fox & Friends downplays bombshell report that Donald Trump instructed his lawyer to lie to Congress about business dealings in Moscow Article 01/18/19 10:28 AM EST
Five things to know about the deceptive anti-abortion poll released ahead of the March for Life Article 01/17/19 3:57 PM EST
On Fox Business, WSJ columnist praises Mitch McConnell for doing “nothing” during government shutdown Video & Audio 01/17/19 12:57 PM EST
Steve King has been racist for years, and right-wing media have defended him every step of the way Article 01/17/19 11:18 AM EST
Fox host: “Keep” the government “shut down as long as you need it to get the wall built” Video & Audio 01/17/19 8:15 AM EST
Fox News and Trump are trying to manufacture another caravan crisis to argue for a border wall Article 01/16/19 12:23 PM EST
Tomi Lahren says Trump should get “credit” for eating fast food even though he's rich Video & Audio 01/16/19 7:43 AM EST
In patently unethical move, CNN hires John Kasich even as he considers presidential bid Article 01/15/19 4:23 PM EST
Fox host: “It's intellectually dishonest to say that Trump's going to try to stop the Mueller investigation” Video & Audio 01/15/19 12:26 PM EST
Some Democrats went to Puerto Rico to spotlight the island's recovery, and Fox News is furious Article 01/14/19 4:03 PM EST
Social Security official criticized immigration “diversity agenda” and praised police officers who beat Rodney King Article 01/14/19 1:15 PM EST
Fox's Mike Huckabee calls for FBI to be “held accountable” after report that Trump was investigated for working on behalf of Russia Video & Audio 01/14/19 9:14 AM EST
Fox & Friends host: Trump confiscated notes of meetings with Putin because he “simply didn't like leaks” Video & Audio 01/14/19 8:37 AM EST
Torture memo author John Yoo thinks Trump is “on solid ground” legally to declare a national emergency for a wall Video & Audio 01/11/19 3:45 PM EST
These conservative media figures are pushing Trump to declare a national emergency over a border wall Article 01/11/19 1:20 PM EST
Fox Business host suggests China and North Korea are more “honorable” negotiators then Pelosi and Schumer Video & Audio 01/11/19 10:49 AM EST