Chieftain echoed conservative talking point calling Udall “the Boulder Democrat,” omitted details of his energy policy Article 10/14/08 5:44 PM EDT
CBS' Schieffer failed to ask Rep. Wilson about DOJ report calling for investigation of possible charges Article 10/07/08 10:44 PM EDT
Jim Quinn: Steinem opposes Palin because Palin “declined to slaughter her own unborn child, Trig, to the goddess of feminism” Video & Audio 10/07/08 5:44 PM EDT
Ignoring contrary evidence, Schieffer asserted McCain “suspended his campaign” because of Wall Street crisis Article 09/28/08 2:44 PM EDT
Despite attacks on media by McCain campaign, case studies show disparate coverage in McCain's favor Article 09/19/08 1:07 PM EDT
KSFO's Rodgers: "[F]emale leadership of the Democratic Party" consists of “ugly skanks” who “hate” that “Sarah Palin's good-looking” Article 09/17/08 4:39 PM EDT
Over five-day period, Fox News provided far more campaign stump time to Republicans than to Democrats Article 09/13/08 3:44 PM EDT
KOA news team allowed Schaffer to attack Udall by citing immigration-reduction group, without describing its agenda Article 09/11/08 7:44 PM EDT
Tipping the scales: Cable news channels dedicate more coverage to RNC's scheduled programming during peak hours than to DNC's Article 09/05/08 2:38 AM EDT