Kudlow distorts health insurance mandate to claim violators “face a $25,000 fine, or imprisonment, or both” Article 09/30/09 8:56 AM EDT
Post ombudsman adopts right-wing mantra that ACORN videos are a major story Article 09/20/09 5:57 PM EDT
With a new falsehood, Ben Stein advanced old myth that Obama “does not like Israel” Article 07/29/09 3:22 PM EDT
Buchanan falsely suggests Sotomayor has “never written” law review articles Article 07/17/09 9:37 AM EDT
Fox's Varney, Napolitano blame affordable housing programs for mortgage crisis Article 07/09/09 5:18 PM EDT
Hill falsely claims Employee Free Choice Act “robs workers” of secret ballot Article 06/08/09 1:07 PM EDT
Special Report falsely suggests activism question deleted from questionnaire for Sotomayor Article 06/05/09 10:45 AM EDT
Moore falsely accused Frank of “involvement in giving a blank check to Fannie and Freddie” Article 05/14/09 1:13 PM EDT
Wash. Times didn't disclose subcontractor ties of McInerney, purported spokesman for “the Air Force fighter community” Article 05/11/09 9:08 AM EDT
Wallace silent as Gingrich falsely claims Dems did not try to ban waterboarding Article 05/10/09 5:02 PM EDT
Hour 2: Discussing Obama's upcoming Notre Dame speech, fill-in Davis falsely claims Obama supports infanticide Article 05/08/09 1:50 PM EDT
AP claimed Obama's recession-fighting spending proposals violate his vow to cut waste Article 05/08/09 12:34 PM EDT