Roger Stone endorses extremist Proud Boys member for Hawaii state representative Article 09/22/20 11:25 AM EDT
Broadcast and cable news coverage of Hurricane Laura was shallow and decontextualized Research/Study 09/10/20 3:28 PM EDT
Amid wave of right-wing vigilantism, Tucker Carlson hosts guest with ties to domestic terrorist group Article 09/04/20 3:39 PM EDT
Founder of violent far-right group Patriot Prayer in Portland does tour of right-wing media Article 09/01/20 5:06 PM EDT
Mainstream media are whitewashing Patriot Prayer, a violent far-right group in Portland Article 08/31/20 5:27 PM EDT
Marjorie Taylor Greene praised militia members, said women who are gun safety activists “need to grow some balls” Article 08/28/20 1:23 PM EDT
Pundit and House candidate Burgess Owens plagiarized numerous passages in his book Why I Stand Article 08/25/20 12:43 PM EDT
Marjorie Taylor Greene visited the Capitol and tried to get Reps. Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib to retake their oaths on the Bible Article 08/18/20 2:29 PM EDT
Sinclair reporter uncritically pushed GOP talking point against enhanced unemployment benefits Article 07/14/20 4:51 PM EDT
GOP-backed QAnon congressional candidate Lauren Boebert rallied with far-right militia at Colorado gun event Article 07/01/20 3:10 PM EDT
After AP report on Trump campaign push to organize anti-lockdown doctors, Fox News pushes letter from new doctor group Article 05/21/20 12:00 PM EDT
After years of attacking poor Americans, Fox News suddenly discovers their needs during the pandemic Article 03/25/20 4:47 PM EDT
Self-proclaimed Nazi who says he flew a swastika flag at a Bernie Sanders rally still has a YouTube account Article 03/06/20 12:36 PM EST
Myths and facts about the anti-abortion Louisiana law before the Supreme Court Article 03/03/20 4:57 PM EST
Tucker Carlson lies that reducing HIV criminalization will lead to people “intentionally transmitting” the virus Article 02/28/20 9:08 AM EST