On MSNBC, Media Matters' Angelo Carusone details Fox's “stunning level of deception” revealed in January 6 texts Video & Audio 01/10/22 11:04 AM EST
On MSNBC, Angelo Carusone describes how Fox News is “picking up crazy things from the fever swamps” and pushing them on Republican legislators Video & Audio 01/09/22 11:48 AM EST
Angelo Carusone: Sean Hannity’s messages prove “stunning deception that he was engaging in to his own audience” Video & Audio 01/07/22 9:17 PM EST
Sean Hannity’s texts should remind everyone he was Trump’s “shadow” chief of staff — and not a journalist Article 01/05/22 4:33 PM EST
Angelo Carusone: Sean Hannity’s text messages expose his role as an adviser and “obliterates this idea that somehow he was engaging in journalism” Video & Audio 01/04/22 9:27 PM EST
On MSNBC's Yasmin Vossoughian Reports, Angelo Carusone explains why Steve Bannon was 2021's “Misinformer of the Year” Video & Audio 01/01/22 4:21 PM EST
On MSNBC's The Last Word, Angelo Carusone explains how right-wing media fever swamps took control of the GOP Video & Audio 12/30/21 11:07 AM EST
Media Matters’ Angelo Carusone: “Because there is a consensus forming around the destructive power of Fox News, it incentivizes the call to action, which is to go to cable companies and say, ‘Do not make me pay more money for Fox News.’” Video & Audio 12/19/21 2:06 PM EST
On WNYC's On The Media, Media Matters’ Angelo Carusone explains how Fox’s COVID-19 misinformation “changed the relationship” with the rest of news media Video & Audio 12/19/21 1:49 PM EST
On MSNBC, Media Matters' Angelo Carusone explains the danger posed by media and officials validating viral Tik Tok hoaxes Video & Audio 12/19/21 1:46 PM EST
Angelo Carusone on MSNBC’s All In: Fox hosts texts to Mark Meadows are “a stunning illustration of the Trump-Fox feedback loop" Video & Audio 12/14/21 9:24 AM EST
Chris Wallace quits Fox News; the “thin veneer of respectability” Wallace gave the network is gone Article 12/12/21 12:37 PM EST
Speaking to SiriusXM's Joe Madison, Angelo Carusone points to media hypocrisy regarding QAnon followers running for office Video & Audio 12/03/21 12:50 PM EST
Listen to Angelo Carusone explain how Fox News is “picking all of our pockets” through cable carriage fees Video & Audio 11/19/21 8:50 PM EST
Angelo Carusone explains how Fox News manufactured the “critical race theory” panic Video & Audio 11/03/21 10:09 PM EDT
Angelo Carusone: Despite name change, “Facebook is a threat to our democracy and our public health” Video & Audio 10/30/21 4:21 PM EDT
On MSNBC, Media Matters' Angelo Carusone explains the “real harm” caused by Fox News' dangerous COVID-19 coverage Video & Audio 10/10/21 4:38 PM EDT