Anti-gay “hate group” MassResistance is source for right-wing media attacks on Jennings Article 12/10/09 8:09 PM EST
Limbaugh on “stories” about how “the black frame of mind is terrible”: “Tiger Woods' choice of females not helping 'em out” Video & Audio 12/08/09 12:41 PM EST
Is CNBC prepared to invest in Dobbs and his record of conspiracy theories and inflammatory rhetoric? Article 12/01/09 12:51 PM EST
Limbaugh: Because of Great Society, War on Poverty programs, black fathers “found it necessary not to stay home” Video & Audio 11/24/09 4:12 PM EST
American Thinker: “Obama's racism against whites is upfront, in your face racism” Article 11/23/09 1:57 PM EST
Rove memory loss: Op-ed accuses Obama of “unusual” use of Friday news dumps Article 11/20/09 2:24 PM EST
Why does the Washington Post keep running fluffy profiles of anti-gay activists? Article 11/18/09 4:34 PM EST
Levin rants against environmentalism: " 'Oh, we want clean air and clean water.' And what does that mean? Poverty!" Video & Audio 11/13/09 2:20 PM EST
Krugman: Fox Business crew “aren't really pro-business; they're pro-Republican” Article 11/12/09 9:06 AM EST
Drudge, WND distort health care bill to fearmonger about cost of insurance, possibility of jail time Article 11/07/09 11:01 PM EST
Fill-In Steyn Suggests Culture Of Political Correctness May Have Enabled Fort Hood Shooting Article 11/06/09 3:53 PM EST
Fox News advances false GOP claim that premiums under their plan would be $5,000 lower than Dems' plan Article 11/05/09 1:43 PM EST