Despite their shoddy track record on Iraq analysis, O'Reilly trusts only “my military analysts, people paid by Fox News” for information on Iraq Article 04/24/06 2:00 PM EDT
O'Reilly: The homeless “will not support themselves” because “they want to get drunk” and “high,” or they're just “too lazy” Article 04/21/06 1:13 PM EDT
Colson called abortion “the root of the” illegal immigration “problem” Video & Audio 04/12/06 6:49 PM EDT
"[R]are and unusual"? Contrary to Hume's claim, WSJ, Wash. Post editorial pages have often agreed Article 04/11/06 3:53 PM EDT
CNN's Roberts asked Duckworth if her primary victory signaled failed strategy Video & Audio 03/24/06 5:40 PM EST
O'Reilly claimed Hillary Clinton supports “things most Christians do not,” then dismissed example of GOP support for death penalty Article 03/24/06 5:32 PM EST
Only on Fox Nudes: Fox aired stock strip club footage for story about father leaving young son in car Video & Audio 03/23/06 3:27 PM EST
Matthews: “We don't produce bad [economic] news on this show. ... We only put out good news here on the economy” Article 03/22/06 12:09 PM EST
Despite endorsing Coburn and Randall Terry, Dobson denied being “in favor of people who want to execute abortionists” Article 03/09/06 6:15 PM EST
Limbaugh: Wal-Mart should charge Massachusetts “lib babes” $1,000 per pill for emergency contraception Article 02/16/06 1:42 PM EST
American Family Association opened its airwaves to advocate for executing gays, adulterers, abortion doctors Article 02/14/06 11:08 AM EST
CNN's Watts falsely accused Gov. Kaine of misrepresenting student loan, Medicaid cuts Article 02/01/06 7:43 PM EST
Reporting on anti-abortion rights march, Wash. Post omitted contrary views, pro-Roe polling, march leader's reference to “feminist abortionists” as war criminals Article 01/25/06 1:52 PM EST
Media figures claimed Clinton played “race card” but ignored her 2004 comments and similar “plantation” comments by Republicans Article 01/19/06 4:08 PM EST
Wash. Post editorial repeated misleading Wal-Mart health care defense; editorial board member made same claim less than two months ago Article 01/13/06 3:20 PM EST