Hannity, Elder omitted key stats when rejecting claim that race factors in capital punishment cases Article 12/14/05 2:10 PM EST
O'Reilly again falsely claimed Geneva Conventions apply only to “uniform[ed]” soldiers “fighting for a recognized country” Article 12/12/05 6:08 PM EST
Wash. Post cited Republican efforts to impose “fiscal discipline”; ignored $60 billion tax cut Article 11/22/05 1:04 PM EST
Conservative activist Barton: Are American children poor “because they only have two TVs instead of three?” Video & Audio 11/14/05 4:41 PM EST
AP, USA Today overstated math scores since No Child Left Behind became law Article 10/21/05 5:06 PM EDT
O'Reilly compared opponents of parental notification to Soviets and Nazi Germany, “where the state tells the child, 'Inform on your parents' ” Video & Audio 10/17/05 1:05 PM EDT
What is the Alliance Defense Fund, and why does Bill O'Reilly advocate donating to it? Article 10/14/05 6:07 PM EDT
Media reports on Frist stock sale investigation largely omit company's history of fraud Article 10/07/05 1:10 PM EDT
Coulter falsely accused Freakonomics co-author of “defending” Roe v. Wade, claimed that Lott debunked his original study on abortion and crime Article 10/06/05 7:42 PM EDT
Hyman misleadingly claimed that Social Security “discriminates against minorities” Article 08/30/05 7:03 PM EDT
The truth about The Truth About Hillary : Edward Klein's attack book is poorly researched, poorly written, poorly sourced Article 06/23/05 11:15 AM EDT
Vanity Fair defended fact-checking process that led to publication of error-ridden Klein excerpt Article 06/21/05 12:53 PM EDT