NBC's Robach ignores evidence that minimum wage increase will stimulate economy Article 07/27/09 11:37 AM EDT
Dobbs 2, CNN 0: CNN president Klein reportedly calls Dobbs' birther coverage “legitimate” Article 07/25/09 10:44 AM EDT
SPLC president calls on CNN to “remove Mr. Dobbs from the airwaves” for “peddl[ing] racist conspiracy theories” Article 07/24/09 2:33 PM EDT
Hour 2: Professor Limbaugh Declares CBO Price Tag For Health Care Bill “BS” Article 07/15/09 2:41 PM EDT
Hour 2: Limbaugh Continues To Push Conspiracy Theory That Obama Is Intentionally Wrecking The Economy Article 07/02/09 2:42 PM EDT
Hour 2: Limbaugh, Discussing Health Care Reform Bill: “Get Ready To Get Gang-Raped Again, Folks” Article 06/29/09 2:21 PM EDT
Hour 1: Limbaugh's Rallying Cry On Health Care Reform: “We Can Shut This Down” Article 06/17/09 12:59 PM EDT
Fox News' Bream ignored evidence undermining Long's attack on Sotomayor as “extreme” Article 06/15/09 4:34 PM EDT
On Fox, Regina Calcaterra fights back against “welfare” demagoguery Video & Audio 06/13/09 11:24 AM EDT
Media Matters: Right-wing media and the fringe: A growing history of violence (and denial) Article 06/12/09 9:32 PM EDT