CNN and Fox let “straight-shooter” Tony Snow peddle false, misleading, and baseless GOP talking points Article 11/04/06 12:24 PM EST
CNN's Malveaux baselessly claimed host of southern and western states are “friendly territory” for Bush Article 11/03/06 7:32 PM EST
Despite poll showing Ritter 22 points ahead, Coloradoan reported “recent polls suggest” Beauprez “could be” closing in Article 11/03/06 6:27 PM EST
After reporting “O'Donnell thinks strategy against Perlmutter working,” will Rocky report poll showing O'Donnell 16 points behind? Article 11/02/06 7:54 PM EST
Fox 31 lets GOP off on “agricultural trespass,” misleads on Ritter's record Article 10/31/06 8:48 PM EST
Boyles guest acknowledges “no one really knows how many Americans per day are being killed by aliens and illegal aliens” Article 10/31/06 5:41 PM EST
Limbaugh claimed “there's a basis” for RNC ad critics have deemed racist: “Harold Ford has dated a white woman” Article 10/30/06 7:41 PM EST
Lauer on Limbaugh's Michael J. Fox attacks: “Didn't Rush Limbaugh just say what a lot of people were privately thinking?” Article 10/26/06 4:14 PM EDT
On Good Morning America, Hannity offered a host of misinformation to attack Michael J. Fox Article 10/26/06 1:04 PM EDT
In purported examination of whether Bush or Clinton would “do his party any good” on campaign trail, MSNBC's Carlson ignored approval ratings, called Clinton a “sanctimonious jerk” Article 10/24/06 6:34 PM EDT
ABC's Roberts and Stephanopoulos juxtaposed Michael J. Fox's stem cell ad in MO Senate race with RNC's fearmongering bin Laden ad Article 10/24/06 4:16 PM EDT
Matthews claimed “Republicans know from the polls” that “terrorism” and “taxes” are their “strengths,” “whether the current polls back that up or not” Article 10/20/06 8:08 PM EDT
CNN's Crowley dredges up anti-Democrat clichés, asserts: “If Democrats do sweep into power this year ... it will be through no fault their own” Article 10/20/06 7:54 PM EDT
In campaign season, Fox News has repeatedly aired GOP smear ads with practically no Democratic or progressive responses Article 10/19/06 2:41 PM EDT