Limbaugh on “bogus statistic that 1 of 50 American children are homeless”: “Would somebody tell me the last time you saw a kid sleeping under a bridge?” Video & Audio 03/25/09 1:14 PM EDT
NY Times falsely claimed that Obama “campaigned as an antiwar candidate” Article 03/23/09 2:06 PM EDT
Cunningham says $100 billion of recovery plan going to “fat, poor people” to “buy cigarettes and lottery tickets” Video & Audio 02/11/09 2:39 PM EST
Brzezinski persists with food stamp claim, despite economists' flat rejection Article 02/03/09 3:28 PM EST
Echoing her previous claim, Brzezinski said that food stamps don't stimulate economy, but economists disagree Article 02/02/09 4:33 PM EST
Brzezinski suggests “welfare” provisions in stimulus bill don't stimulate the economy -- economists disagree Article 01/30/09 5:20 PM EST
Conservative media figures falsely suggest that Reich proposed excluding white males from stimulus package Article 01/23/09 4:34 PM EST
NBC's Chuck Todd reports CBO criticism of stimulus, but not Democrats' response Article 01/22/09 8:28 PM EST
Hannity criticized gay Episcopal bishop for “partisan hatred,” but called partisan Rev. Falwell a “very dear friend” Article 01/14/09 8:15 PM EST
Cunningham on the poor: “They're poor because they lack values, ethics, and morals” Video & Audio 01/05/09 3:03 PM EST
On Dateline, Curry acknowledges “many constitutional experts say” Warren claim on Prop 8 was “totally unfounded” Article 12/20/08 12:43 PM EST
Blitzer, Wash. Times' Wall ignored Warren's comparison of same-sex marriage to pedophilia, incest, polygamy Article 12/19/08 6:52 PM EST