Nothin' between the ground and my brains but a piece of government plastic ... Article 12/18/08 3:59 PM EST
Hannity falsely claimed that under Bush, “We created 10 million new jobs” Article 12/09/08 5:56 PM EST
Savage guest host Roberts: "[Y]ou may as well start an Obama savings account" so “welfare mom can have her new plasma TV as she pops kids out” Video & Audio 12/09/08 5:02 PM EST
Continuing his pattern of disparaging remarks about low-income Americans, Cunningham criticized “fat poor people” Article 12/05/08 2:38 PM EST
Augusta Chronicle forwarded false claim that taxpayers would get “their entire paycheck” under “Fair Tax” Article 11/19/08 1:35 PM EST
Responding to Media Matters item, Quinn defended comparison of welfare recipients to slaves Video & Audio 11/10/08 11:00 AM EST
Postelection poll results contradict media claims that U.S. is a “center-right” country Article 11/07/08 9:01 PM EST
Cunningham: "[P]eople are poor in America ... because they lack values, morals, and ethics" Video & Audio 10/29/08 2:33 PM EDT
Cunningham: America's “so-called noble poor” don't use birth control so that “the mom can get more checks in the mail from the government” Video & Audio 10/28/08 3:35 PM EDT
NBC's Nightly News, AP uncritically repeated McCain's inaugural address smear of Obama Article 10/27/08 4:48 PM EDT
Savage: “Why should a welfare recipient have the right to vote? They're only gonna vote themselves a raise” Video & Audio 10/23/08 6:16 PM EDT
Limbaugh mischaracterized accomplishments of '06 Nobel Peace Prize winner, smeared Jimmy Carter Video & Audio 10/13/08 4:07 PM EDT
Quinn called NOW the “National Organization for Whores,” said columnist Fatimah Ali should “get an American name” Article 09/04/08 1:12 PM EDT
Liddy, Pruden repeat debunked claim that Obama's birth certificate is fake Article 08/28/08 4:32 PM EDT
Conservative echo chamber pushes story about Obama's brother, despite brother's reported refutation Article 08/26/08 7:58 PM EDT