NBC's Williams allowed Bush to make false and misleading assertions about Katrina recovery, pre-war WMD claims, and Iraqi links to 9-11 Article 08/31/06 7:41 PM EDT
Colmes challenged Morris as he repeated wiretapping and Patriot Act falsehoods Article 08/31/06 4:57 PM EDT
O'Donnell let former RNC chair Gilmore falsely assert “most people” oppose Iraq withdrawal and “have expressed confidence in the Republican Party” to handle Iraq Article 08/30/06 7:34 PM EDT
Blitzer again let Mehlman claim public opposes Iraq withdrawal timetable; polling still shows otherwise Article 08/28/06 12:44 PM EDT
“Gunny” Bob Newman said Judge Anna Diggs Taylor “sided with Al Qaeda, did exactly what Al Qaeda wanted him [sic] to do” Video & Audio 08/24/06 6:41 PM EDT
In “a wonderful segment,” CNN provided forum for Katrina survivor to praise Bush on Katrina, omitted that he's a Republican Article 08/23/06 8:13 PM EDT
Despite Ritter's 10-point lead in latest poll, Craig Daily Press editorial claimed Ritter and Beauprez “running neck and neck” Article 08/21/06 8:00 PM EDT
NY Times' Kornblut left unchallenged Republican claim that Lamont is “not mainstream America,” his victory in Senate race would “show[ ] the extreme nature of the Democratic Party” Article 08/21/06 5:04 PM EDT
Cal Thomas: “No wonder” Gabler “like[s]” Hezbollah's offers to rebuild Lebanon, it's “the Middle East version of the New Deal” Video & Audio 08/21/06 11:41 AM EDT
Limbaugh: "[O]ne of my staff is Spanish and informs me" that Allen simply called Sidarth a “clown” Article 08/17/06 8:09 PM EDT
New Republic baselessly asserted Dem “problem”: "[L]iberal elites are disproportionately powerful in primaries ... have nominated a succession of losers" Article 08/15/06 12:58 PM EDT
Olbermann named Coulter “Worst Person,” asking “why she has not been banned” from MSNBC; Boortz awarded third Video & Audio 08/07/06 12:41 PM EDT
ABC, Wash. Post advanced misleading arguments against minimum-wage boost, obscured Democratic support for wage increase Article 08/03/06 7:30 PM EDT