IBD repeated falsehood that Obama bill would levy “Global Tax” on U.S. taxpayers Article 07/30/08 5:16 PM EDT
Question for KSFO's Sussman: Did Reagan's self-description as a “citizen ... of the world” make him the Antichrist, too? Article 07/29/08 3:46 PM EDT
Liasson reported McCain “has begun emphasizing the importance of securing the borders,” not that it's a reversal of his position Article 07/09/08 7:40 PM EDT
O'Reilly echoed false claim that “unemployment rate now is lower than it was under President Clinton” Article 07/09/08 12:50 PM EDT
CNN's Sanchez falsely suggested Democrats rarely discuss religion and their faith in God in public Article 06/17/08 4:43 PM EDT
With “pro-family” reference to McCain, CNN's Costello continued CNN pattern of equating conservatives with “family” and “values” Article 06/10/08 5:19 PM EDT
Matthews suggested Obama was never middle class, does not “have that experience that ... most Americans have” Article 06/04/08 2:56 PM EDT
No “façade”: CNN correspondent Sylvester rebuffs Dobbs' efforts to get her to affirm his false accusations of secrecy against Appleseed Article 05/22/08 7:45 PM EDT
Fox News' MacCallum allowed GOP strategist to falsely claim Obama is “pushing for this global tax that would require America to pay tax to the U.N.” Article 05/08/08 3:59 PM EDT
NY Times, LA Times reported that McCain asked NC GOP not to run ad, but did not report Obama's response or that smears fit pattern Article 04/24/08 2:33 PM EDT
CNN still promoting the notion that progressives don't vote their values and aren't “pro-family” Article 04/18/08 7:12 PM EDT
Scarborough, Brzezinski advance myth that McCain “stayed with” his immigration position Article 04/01/08 7:42 PM EDT
Despite McCain's moves to placate GOP base, Fox News Sunday's Wallace wondered how Dean could call McCain an “opportunist” Article 03/30/08 5:37 PM EDT