On Fox News' Beltway Boys, Barnes denied that humans are a cause of global warming Article 07/31/06 4:41 PM EDT
On Your World, Cavuto let DeLay claim that “we went and got” the terrorists in Iraq and Afghanistan Article 07/26/06 11:41 AM EDT
NY Times omits correction from flawed Kornblut article on Clinton speech Article 07/24/06 2:41 PM EDT
Denver Post, Rocky Mountain News omitted key information about anti-Ritter attack ad Article 07/21/06 11:41 AM EDT
Birnbaum asserted that Americans have higher opinion of Bush's Iraq and terrorism policies than a year ago; polling shows otherwise Article 07/05/06 8:32 PM EDT
O'Donnell wrongly claimed people view Bush more favorably than Hillary Clinton Article 07/05/06 4:15 PM EDT
Wash. Post touted misleading poll question to assert that the majority of Americans “oppose a deadline for getting out of Iraq” Article 07/05/06 12:22 PM EDT
WSJ's Stephens claimed that Americans are “not for pulling out” of Iraq; polls suggest otherwise Article 06/27/06 12:59 PM EDT
After Chicago bomb plot arrests, Bo Dietl argued for more racial profiling in “your 7-Elevens” Video & Audio 06/26/06 6:41 PM EDT
Newsweek, Sullivan continue to present “stay the course” as a winner for the GOP Article 06/25/06 3:06 PM EDT
Media left out polling data in reporting Dems' claims of public support for withdrawal from Iraq Article 06/23/06 3:19 PM EDT
Fearmongering on Fox: Hannity, Hunt, and Gibson exaggerate N. Korea missile threat Article 06/22/06 1:41 PM EDT
In coverage of GOP announcement, print media ignored felony provisions in House immigration bill Article 06/22/06 11:41 AM EDT
Why are the media depicting GOP support for unpopular war as a political winner? Article 06/21/06 4:15 PM EDT
Ignoring polls, WSJ's Miniter claimed Maryland governor “is in a strong position to win re-election” Article 06/20/06 6:05 PM EDT