Buchanan on Obama's race speech: “We hear the grievances. Where is the gratitude?” Video & Audio 03/22/08 1:42 PM EDT
O'Reilly on Media Matters: “Any of the presidential candidates who can deport those swine -- I'm voting for them” Article 03/20/08 6:17 PM EDT
Des Moines Register, AP left out McCain reversals in reporting on his immigration position Article 03/06/08 7:13 PM EST
NY Times columnist reports McCain “has so far emphasized border security more than the Democrats,” not that it's a reversal of his position on immigration Article 03/02/08 7:38 PM EST
Quoting Kincaid, Limbaugh falsely asserted Obama bill “would commit the United States to spending 0.7 percent of GDP on foreign aid” Article 02/21/08 8:33 PM EST
Wash. Post, WSJ call McCain's reversal on immigration a “shift[]” in “emphasis” Article 02/14/08 8:32 PM EST
Baltimore Sun, San Antonio Express-News endorsements wrongly suggest McCain still supports comprehensive immigration reform Article 02/13/08 11:14 AM EST
Overlooking reversals, Chicago Trib.'s Page wrote that McCain “wander[ed] away from right-wing positions” on immigration, tax cuts Article 02/10/08 5:18 PM EST
Despite reversal, NY Times claimed McCain's advocacy for border security first is not a “change[]” in “his basic position” Article 02/08/08 3:05 PM EST
Confronted about using graphic from Council of Conservative Citizens, Dobbs asked: "[G]ot anything a little more recent?" Article 02/06/08 6:32 PM EST
Brzezinski falsely asserted that McCain “stood by” his views on immigration Article 02/04/08 2:49 PM EST
Olbermann named O'Reilly “Worst Person” for suggesting New Orleans homeless encampment does not exist Article 02/04/08 1:30 PM EST
IBD editorial falsely claimed Clinton said that “we must slow the economy to save the earth” Article 02/02/08 3:59 PM EST