After Trump appoints Pence to oversee coronavirus response, initial reports don’t include how he enabled Indiana HIV outbreak Article 02/26/20 10:27 PM EST
5 articles highlighting the dangers of Louisiana’s anti-abortion law before the Supreme Court Article 02/26/20 10:22 AM EST
DHS has hired another senior staffer from an anti-immigrant group founded by a white nationalist Article 02/24/20 4:23 PM EST
Fox host proposes forcibly relocating the homeless into a “government-owned area” Video & Audio 02/19/20 6:09 PM EST
Trump uses media coverage of Bloomberg's stop-and-frisk comments to whitewash his own racism Article 02/12/20 3:29 PM EST
Fox News contributor and former acting ICE director speaks to anti-immigrant hate group Article 02/10/20 4:33 PM EST
The NY Times published an anti-immigration screed by a member of an extremist group Article 01/17/20 3:37 PM EST
New emails show Stephen Miller slamming Rupert Murdoch over immigration. At Fox News, it's clear that Miller has won. Article 01/14/20 1:59 PM EST
Moderators should ask Democratic presidential candidates about these climate issues at tonight's debate Article 01/14/20 12:11 PM EST
Tucker Carlson's weeklong smear of the homeless amounted to little more than hateful “broken windows” propaganda Article 01/13/20 7:59 PM EST
Hannity proposes bombing oil refineries to create “major poverty" for the Iranian people Video & Audio 01/07/20 11:34 PM EST
USA Today op-ed rings in the new year by retreading marriage equality debate Article 01/03/20 4:13 PM EST
Tucker Carlson attacks Democrats for impeaching Trump but not punishing “the so-called homeless” Video & Audio 12/10/19 8:49 PM EST
USDA taxpayer-funded podcast characterizes low-income Americans as entitled and lazy Article 12/06/19 2:05 PM EST
Fox & Friends guest Star Parker celebrates Trump move kicking hundreds of thousands of people off SNAP: “This is fantastic news” Video & Audio 12/05/19 8:59 AM EST
YouTube helps a leading white nationalist group raise thousands of dollars Article 12/04/19 4:04 PM EST