Reporting Tancredo won't seek re-election, Colorado media omit his controversial remarks, actions Article 10/29/07 8:33 PM EDT
NPR's Simon falsely asserted that SCHIP began “under a Republican president” Article 10/29/07 12:08 PM EDT
Fox's Garrett falsely claimed CBO determined that revised SCHIP bill “would cover fewer children” Article 10/26/07 3:02 PM EDT's Kane, Sun-Times' Sweet rehashed Clinton/Yankees myth Article 10/24/07 2:58 PM EDT
Claiming he never attacked the Frosts, Limbaugh mimicked Graeme Frost and attacked Dems for “exploiting” family Article 10/19/07 4:33 PM EDT
MSNBC's Brewer claimed “even conservative Republican presidential candidates are trying to sidestep” SCHIP -- but several support veto Article 10/15/07 4:51 PM EDT
Wash. Post advanced myth that social conservatives are only constituency who vote their values Article 10/15/07 2:16 PM EDT
CNN's Collins did not challenge CEI fellow's distortion of Gore's sea level claim Article 10/14/07 2:02 PM EDT
Barnes: Obama not “strong on national security” because he opposed war “when the entire world believed” Saddam had WMD Video & Audio 10/07/07 3:59 PM EDT
Rev. Jackson to O'Reilly: "[T]o underestimate the civility of blacks was insulting to many people" Article 09/28/07 2:19 PM EDT
Gerson falsely claimed Clinton said Catholics “somehow responsible for abortion in America” Article 09/27/07 1:17 PM EDT
MSNBC reported Bush “wants to see more [health] coverage for poor children” -- but not according to CBO Article 09/21/07 4:08 PM EDT
KJCT falsely reported fifth Blue Ribbon health plan “would require that the state income tax be nearly tripled” Article 09/13/07 7:20 PM EDT
Politico's Martin: “Is Code Pink to the left what the Westboro Baptist Church is to the right?” Article 09/11/07 12:30 PM EDT