On Citations Needed, Media Matters researcher Madeline Peltz discusses how Tucker Carlson's white nationalist ideology guides segments on homelessness Video & Audio 09/11/19 6:18 PM EDT
As Congress considers gun safety legislation, Dana Loesch goes on Fox to lie about Extreme Risk Protection Orders Article 09/11/19 4:52 PM EDT
Fox News has spent months demonizing homelessness in California. Now Trump wants a major crackdown. Article 09/10/19 4:55 PM EDT
Fox suspended Pirro over her anti-Muslim bigotry against Rep. Ilhan Omar. The problem goes deeper than that. Article 09/09/19 8:50 AM EDT
Right-wing media threaten violence in retaliation to gun safety proposals Article 09/04/19 2:32 PM EDT
Tucker Carlson says a gun buyback program will lead to “civil war” Video & Audio 09/03/19 8:32 PM EDT
Judicial Watch’s Tom Fitton tells Tucker Carlson that Trump should pardon everyone “caught up in Mueller’s web” Video & Audio 08/28/19 9:06 PM EDT
Media presented far-right grifter Andy Ngo as a credible journalist. He was just caught covering for far-right extremists as they plan violent attacks. Article 08/28/19 1:41 PM EDT
Tucker Carlson suggests link between mass shootings and marijuana use Video & Audio 08/27/19 9:24 PM EDT
Fox hosts climate denier to claim discussing the Amazon fires is “weaponization of the weather” Video & Audio 08/26/19 9:42 PM EDT
Trump keeps amplifying far-right racist Katie Hopkins, who called for a “final solution” for Muslims Article 08/26/19 4:33 PM EDT
Hispanic journalists group returns Fox News' sponsorship money, disinvites them from conference Article 08/22/19 3:36 PM EDT
Tucker Carlson’s back on Fox and returning to his comfort zone: anti-abortion misinformation Article 08/19/19 11:24 PM EDT