Ignoring his recent votes, NY Times “believe[s]” Grassley wants “adequate heating subsidies for the poor” Article 11/14/05 4:41 PM EST
Conservative activist Barton: Are American children poor “because they only have two TVs instead of three?” Video & Audio 11/14/05 4:41 PM EST
O'Reilly claimed guest canceled after “pressure” from opponents; she says her daughter had a soccer game Article 11/03/05 4:41 PM EST
ABC's Tapper got “Down and Dirty” to attack Media Matters but hit only himself Article 11/02/05 1:41 PM EST
Initial CNN, Fox coverage of closed Senate session emphasized GOP response over Democratic rationale Article 11/02/05 12:36 PM EST
O'Reilly asks female co-host to protest in bikini; Hume says he dressed up for DaySide co-host Huddy Video & Audio 11/02/05 10:41 AM EST
Where the source has no name: CNN failed to report origin of false claim of U2 fund-raiser for Santorum Article 10/12/05 6:41 PM EDT
Only on Fox: USMC captain in Control Room film labeled “TRAITOR?” for taking job at Aljazeera Video & Audio 10/12/05 4:41 PM EDT
Following NewsMax's lead, Limbaugh called Sheehan an “anti-American war protester” Video & Audio 09/23/05 6:41 PM EDT
WSJ 's Taranto offered no backup to his claim that Bush's poll numbers are bouncing back Article 09/19/05 5:16 PM EDT
Wash. Post editorial's “broad look” at U.S. poverty falsely claimed Bush poverty increases started under Clinton Article 09/19/05 3:47 PM EDT
Limbaugh advances numerous falsehoods while discussing Hurricane Katrina Article 09/12/05 6:30 PM EDT