Fox News' Doocy: “Islam turned violent” and “proved the pope's point” about “Islam and violence” Article 11/28/06 12:44 PM EST
NY Times highlighted Democratic “finger-pointing and infighting” but downplayed contentious GOP leadership battles Article 11/16/06 7:45 PM EST
O'Reilly denied being “prejudice[d] in any way shape or form,” then acknowledged he “form[s] assumptions based on appearance” Article 11/16/06 2:19 PM EST
Reporting on Owens's roadless rules request, Colorado media widely omitted his previous opposition to Clinton administration's roadless initiative Article 11/15/06 8:55 PM EST
Yoest made contradictory statements about public support for marriage bans -- both were wrong Article 11/15/06 6:08 PM EST
CNN's King reported that Martinez had been tapped as RNC chair, omitted Schiavo memo, pattern of blaming staff for missteps Article 11/13/06 5:44 PM EST
NY Post op-ed cherry-picks polling to suggest McCain and Giuliani would “trounc[e] Democratic frontrunner Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton” in 2008 Article 11/09/06 5:49 PM EST
Contrasting Steele and Ford, Matthews asserted “unthreatening” Steele is a “gentleman of the first order” and later endorsed him Article 11/07/06 11:44 AM EST
In scandal discussion, Dobson and allies omitted Haggard's admission that he purchased drugs Article 11/07/06 9:44 AM EST
CNN correspondent claimed Burns “highly respected in the state of Montana,” ignored polls showing most voters disapprove of him Article 11/06/06 9:44 PM EST
Network evening newscasts selectively cited polls to claim GOP is “closing the gap” Article 11/06/06 9:35 PM EST
Media repeat GOP attacks on Pelosi as “extreme,” “out of touch,” ignoring House Dems' widely supported legislative agenda Article 11/06/06 4:50 PM EST
MSNBC's Mitchell cherry-picked polls to claim “GOP gaining ground”; CNN's O'Brien ignored own polling to claim race is “tightening” Article 11/06/06 2:46 PM EST
Fox News correspondent on his on-air “waterboarding”: “a pretty efficient mechanism to get someone to talk and then still have them alive and healthy within minutes” Article 11/06/06 2:44 PM EST
More of interview revealed Stephanopoulos failed to challenge Cheney on further falsehoods Article 11/05/06 6:12 PM EST