In Tucker discussion, Weekly Standard's Ferguson on Clinton and liberal Protestants: "[T]hey believe in everything but God" Article 06/17/07 3:03 PM EDT
In Aspen Daily News, columnist Richards repeated debunked assertion that sun is causing global warming Article 06/13/07 5:43 PM EDT
NBC, ABC, MSNBC misrepresented Edwards' response to question about Hilton sentence Article 06/11/07 5:37 PM EDT
Carlson, Limbaugh baselessly accused Obama of justifying and inciting riots Article 06/07/07 2:30 PM EDT
CNN reporters falsely suggested Democrats are only now talking about religious beliefs and values Article 06/05/07 8:17 PM EDT
Wash. Times falsely suggested Obama equated “evil” of 9-11 with Gitmo, Abu Ghraib Article 06/05/07 6:58 PM EDT
Dobbs responded to leprosy criticism by falsely suggesting he had admitted error Article 06/01/07 7:00 PM EDT
Coloradoan reported Democrats “killed” Musgrave's Head Start amendments, but provided no comments from Democrats Article 05/31/07 7:31 PM EDT
Hannity suggested Edwards' “primping” is evidence that he does not “understand[] the nature of the battle in the war that's being waged against us” Article 05/25/07 7:21 PM EDT