Matthews claimed “Republicans know from the polls” that “terrorism” and “taxes” are their “strengths,” “whether the current polls back that up or not” Article 10/20/06 8:08 PM EDT
CNN's Crowley dredges up anti-Democrat clichés, asserts: “If Democrats do sweep into power this year ... it will be through no fault their own” Article 10/20/06 7:54 PM EDT
On Today, Vieira failed to challenge Mehlman's false claims about Democrats Article 10/20/06 7:08 PM EDT
Gazette reported that Ritter plea bargains for illegal immigrants “help[ed] them avoid deportation” -- but omitted Ritter's argument that they didn't Article 10/19/06 8:44 PM EDT
Blitzer did not challenge J.C. Watts's claim that there's a “perception” “Feingold and people like him are always on the side of the terrorists” Article 10/19/06 1:33 PM EDT
Wash. Post, NY Times, Reuters provided uninformative coverage of detainee bill signing Article 10/18/06 7:44 PM EDT
NY Times, CNN's Malveaux repeated claim that terrorism is a “winning” and “strong” issue for GOP, despite polls showing otherwise Article 10/18/06 5:52 PM EDT
Halperin asserted, despite polling to the contrary, that Republicans have “an advantage” over Democrats on “national security and taxes” Article 10/18/06 11:46 AM EDT
MSNBC failed to note that purportedly “vulnerable Democratic incumbents” are leading in polls Article 10/17/06 8:36 PM EDT
Boyles criticized “Mayor Chickenlooper” for calling graffiti problem disrespect for law while presiding over a “sanctuary city” Article 10/17/06 6:34 PM EDT
Chieftain uncritically repeated Beauprez's claim that Denver's supposed “sanctuary city” status is “obvious” Article 10/16/06 6:15 PM EDT
Matthews again cited “terror and taxes” as “Republican strong points,” despite polling to the contrary Article 10/16/06 3:47 PM EDT
O'Reilly: "[S]ecular-progressive judges" on the Supreme Court more likely if Pelosi becomes speaker of the House Article 10/13/06 4:41 PM EDT
National Review's Frum suggested Jefferson scandal proves Democrats “have the impulse to protect and shield their own when their own are guilty” Article 10/10/06 7:44 PM EDT
Searching for the GOP's silver lining, ABC's Gibson misrepresented his own network's poll Article 10/10/06 1:13 PM EDT