Coulter resurrected phony Clinton scandal to discredit Rumsfeld criticism Article 12/23/04 5:41 PM EST
Hannity repeated misleading claim that “James Madison hired the first chaplain for the United States Congress” Article 12/16/04 12:41 PM EST
NY Times ' Brooks cited defender of eugenicists in touting new political constituency Article 12/07/04 8:51 PM EST
Hannity, Watts falsely implicated German chancellor in oil-for-food scandal Article 12/06/04 4:41 PM EST
Unlikely Safire replacement Goldberg shares something with other possible Safire successors: a penchant for misinformation Article 12/03/04 11:41 AM EST
Coulter quoted Donna Brazile out of context; mocked her as “liberals' idea of a 'competent' black woman” Article 12/02/04 2:41 PM EST
Barnes selectively cited election coverage survey to defend FOX News from Kerry Article 11/22/04 6:28 PM EST
Wash. Post 's Kurtz misstated live coverage given Bush, Clinton libraries Article 11/22/04 6:09 PM EST
Coulter labeled Dems who question qualifications of Condoleezza Rice and Clarence Thomas as “racist” Article 11/18/04 4:41 PM EST
Michael Reagan claimed “the country probably voted” for a U.S. amendment banning gay marriage on Nov. 2 Article 11/16/04 5:43 PM EST